Thursday, March 27, 2008

Cole Joseph Tousignant

Our youngest client! Cole was only 15 hours old when Doug and I were so proud and privileged to capture the first day of his life! Cole's dad, Joe, and Doug were both born at the same hospital that Cole was born at. Actually, Doug and Joe were born the same day (Nov. 1st) and their mothers were roommates in the hospital. It was not until 9th grade when Doug told his parents that he was going to the Tousignants to see his friend Joe, that Doug's mom asked him his Joe's mom was Joanne? This is when they realized that they were born the same day and their mom's were roommates in the hospital. Doug and Joe have remained the best of friends since. Holly (Joe's wife) and I have had many fun times together as well. We are so thrilled for them and so happy that we got to share this day with them!

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